
The goals of this assignment are to:

  1. Gain experience with key agreement protocols for symmetric key exchange over untrusted networks
  2. Implement the classic “stolen ticket” attack against Needham-Schroeder

The original version of Needham-Schroeder (NS) is known to be vulnerable to replay attacks. In particular, if an attacker steals a session key and corresponding ticket, they can replay the last three steps of the NS protocol and authenticate as the victim. In this lab, you are given a “stolen” ticket and session key. Your goal is to authenticate to a service using these before the ticket expires.

The server for this lab runs on on port 1400/tcp. The stolen session keys and tickets are located in /tmp.

This NS implementation uses Google Protocol Buffers, documented here. Messages are defined as follows:

syntax = "proto3";

package wire;

// Network messages.
// The ciphertext decrypts to one of the messages below.
message WireMessage {
    bytes ciphertext = 1;
    bytes nonce = 2;

message Ticket {
    bytes session_key = 1;
    string client_principal = 2;
    uint64 timestamp = 3;

message Challenge {
    bytes nonce = 1;

message ChallengeResponse {
    bytes nonce_add_1 = 1;

message Authenticated {}

message Request {
    string command = 1;

message Response {
    bytes output = 1;

All messages sent over the network are WireMessages. Message encryption is performed using libsodium; a compatible python implementation is provided by pysodium. Encrypted messages are a combination of a nonce and ciphertext produced using libsodium’s secretbox API.

As the attacker \(M\), you should use your stolen ticket and session key to engage in the following protocol which consists of the last three steps of NS followed by an authenticated request-response pair. Each message should be prepended by its two-byte, big-endian length as usual. Also, the tickets you are given are serialized WireMessages. Finally, the Needham-Schroeder challenge nonce (which is different from the libsodium encryption nonce) should be treated as a little-endian integer.

\[ \begin{align*} M \rightarrow S &: \mathsf{u16}(|\mathsf{Ticket}|) \cdot \mathsf{Ticket} \\ S \rightarrow M &: \mathsf{u16}(|\left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Challenge)}\right\}_{K}|) \cdot \left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Challenge)}\right\}_{K} \\ M \rightarrow S &: \mathsf{u16}(|\left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(ChallengeResponse)}\right\}_{K}|) \cdot \left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(ChallengeResponse)}\right\}_{K} \\ S \rightarrow M &: \mathsf{u16}(|\left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Authenticated)}\right\}_{K}|) \cdot \left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Authenticated)}\right\}_{K} \\ M \rightarrow S &: \mathsf{u16}(|\left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Request)}\right\}_{K}|) \cdot \left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Request)}\right\}_{K} \\ S \rightarrow M &: \mathsf{u16}(|\left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Response)}\right\}_{K}|) \cdot \left\{\mathsf{WireMessage(Response)}\right\}_{K} \\ \end{align*} \]

Once you are able to successfully replay the ticket, issue a command using a Request message to exfiltrate a flag located on the server.

Submission Instructions

Submit your code and the flag (if obtained) to Canvas.